
With smou, you have all the information and exact location of all shared mobility vehicles in Barcelona in one map. In this way, you can find the operators, the vehicles' exact location, and check the specific data sheet of the city's motorcycle sharing, bike sharing and car sharing vehicles.

The vehicle you need when you need it
Find the nearest vehicle to you with this feature: with smou, you will be able to locate on the map the exact location of all shared mobility vehicles, or select only those operators that interest you based on the type of vehicle you want to move with: motorcycle, bicycle or car.

All of the operators below are currently available on smou:




How to check the vehicle's details?

1. At the bottom menu of the main screen of the app, select the motosharing, bicisharing o carsharing icon.

2. Select the operators that interest you and click on their logo: you will access to the specific vehicle's card with detailed information, as well as open the operator's specific app in order to make a reservation.



Another example of smou's commitment to facilitating and simplifying mobility in the city of Barcelona.

We continue working so that you can move more and better!